Chancel Flowers
If you would like to provide flowers for worship, in memory of, or in honor of a loved one, please sign up either on the flower calendar in the church house foyer, or with our online sign-up page linked below.
Flowers are often given to recognize significant dates in the life of a loved one, either in remembrance of someone, or in celebration of an anniversary or birthday.
Please make sure to let us know how you would like your flowers dedicated. The dedication will be printed in that Sunday's bulletin.
If you would like to provide flowers for worship, in memory of, or in honor of a loved one, please sign up either on the flower calendar in the church house foyer, or with our online sign-up page linked below.
Flowers are often given to recognize significant dates in the life of a loved one, either in remembrance of someone, or in celebration of an anniversary or birthday.
Please make sure to let us know how you would like your flowers dedicated. The dedication will be printed in that Sunday's bulletin.