Presbyterian Women assists in organizing several fundraisers during the year including but not limited to the annual Christmas Bazaar in December and the Strawberry Festival in June. These fundraisers and other opportunities for giving during the year help provide funds for giving to local, national and international mission programs, as well as, supporting our own ministry at PCAS. Opportunities for sharing and fellowship are available through our Circles: Mission Belles and Dorcas, as well as the Craft Group that meets frequently during the year. An elected Board leads the organizational efforts, and all women are invited and welcome to participate in our activities.
Dorcas The members of Dorcas Circle each take turning planning program or activity for our monthly meetings. The program may be learning a new talent, discussing a book, a presentation about a place, a craft, a Bible study, or whatever each member would like to share with the group. We have numerous mission activities. We make the shortcakes for the Strawberry Festival and table decorations, soup and cookies for the Christmas Bazaar. Dorcas members are very active participants and contributors to the Festivals and other activities of the church. At Easter we make Easter Baskets for Family Promise and at Christmas we adopt a family to whom we give gifts. We also send cards to members of the congregation who may need special prayers. In the last few years Dorcas has been assisting Mission Belles with Funeral Receptions. Mission Belles The Mission Belles Circle has been a dedicated group of women in the church since 1952. They meet in the Terrace Room in the Church House at 9:30 a.m. on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month from September until the middle of June. Each meeting starts with fellowship which includes chatter, coffee and cake. At 10:00 a.m. the meeting is opened with devotions and then later closed with the Mizpah Benediction. Being of service to the church is a major purpose of the Mission Belles. Providing receptions after funerals held in the church is a primary mission. In recent years the Dorcas Circle has been assisting. This group also offers help and support at the annual Strawberry Festival and Christmas Bazaar and hosts coffee hour after church twice a year. Cards are sent out by the Sunshine Lady to church friends who need caring thoughts and prayers. Their other major purpose is being of service to the community. In recent years the group has been busy doing such things as knitting and crocheting lap robes which are delivered to nursing homes; crocheting soap sacks for nursing homes, senior citizens housing, and food banks; collecting calendars for servicemen and women serving abroad; and sending monetary donations to local charities such as 180 Turning Lives Around and Make-a-Wish Foundation. All women are most welcome to attend. For more information about this group, please contact the church office. |